Saturday, December 22, 2012

Change in the Air

Yesterday was my last day driving Amish teachers on a daily basis.  With Mikah going to school, and a move in the making, it seemed like time to close this chapter of my life after 2-1/2 years of driving.  Yes, it will be a relief to not be 'tied down' morning and afternoon, but yet it is sad as well.
The teachers were disappointed, but very kind.  Some gave gifts, and there were sweet words like, "We're really going to miss you, Karin." and "It will be hard to find another driver like you."  I was able to talk about the Lord with all 6 of them and more intimately about their souls with 5 of them.  A couple of them seem to have a strong faith.  The others, I am not totally discouraged about, and trust the Lord to use the seeds that have been planted through us and others for His glory.  I haven't been influential like I would like.  My friend, Marsha, who has lived in this area all her life has said that she is seeing a spiritual renewal with the Amish families.  There used to be more hardness than there is now.  Just for the record and to say it one more time....I have loved living in this area!!  As Guy Young would say, it's the next best place to heaven.  (Maybe the only improvement would be an importation of the Rocky Mtns or something like that. :-))


  1. Hey...WE officially live in "almost heaven"...its on our signs!

    Have you ever seen my Amish friend Marion's baby...and did she carry the baby alright? Its been 2 years? Yikes. I might call her this week...

  2. No, I haven't. I'm sure she would be happy to hear from you.

  3. Have I missed the announcement of where you are moving to? To bad we missed seeing you last time.

  4. I thought I had sent an email to you about it. We're moving to Defiance, OH which is about an hour east of where we are now. We are starting a church with another family there...glad to have you come sometime!

  5. Good... Still close to our friends that we visit sometimes, so there's more of a chance to see you sometime. Miss you all!
