Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Letter to Esther

Here is a letter Esther received from a lady.  Esther mentioned she wanted it posted.

Dear Esther,

You may or may not remember me from the CHAP convention in HarrisburgPA this past May.   My name is Melody Miller and I was in the last workshop of the weekend that you presented.  As you shared about more than music training, but character training I was overcome with conviction in a manner I don’t experience real often (I was saddened and brought to tears).  The conviction was that although I may have missed the mark in some ways with both character & music training in my first two children I was to not follow the same pattern with our youngest child.  As I spoke with you afterwards you compassionately offered to pray with me right there and then said you’d “make me your prayer project” and “I hope to hear your story some day”.  That is why I’m writing to you today.  It is to you that I owe thanks for the sound of Christmas carols being played on a piano in my home this December!   Here’s our story:

After the CHAP convention I was sharing with a mentor friend of mine about the end of my school year, summer plans and I told her about what I experienced in your workshop on music training.  I shared that I sensed our youngest son, Jadon (age 9), needed something that his older two siblings did not do or had not accomplished to strengthen his confidence and individuality from always trying to measure up to older siblings (ages 14 & 16).  I told her I really desired him to have piano lessons.  My friend watches Craigslist regularly so wouldn’t you know one Sun. afternoon towards the end of June she sends me an email saying that a free piano just listed.  Well, I got on that immediately because I knew it would be hard to win my husband over to forking out several hundred dollars for a piano.  So, within 6 weeks of the convention I end up with a free piano in my living room!  I was blown away!  Next, I realized I needed to find the “right” piano teacher.  Checking around with a few friends I found one lady who was willing to consider stopping by my house during her daughter’s co-op day which was very close to our house…she seemed flexible, was cheaper than some and it would be convenient for me; but then I just didn’t have the peace I knew was necessary to make this decision.   I decided to check with a woman in our church who I had spoken with months before and had learned that she gave piano lessons and had her own “studio”.  When her packet of information arrived in the mail and I began reading, I realized she was the type of teacher you mentioned about who was trained in music and would pass along the enthusiasm for music to our son.  This was another wonderful God-connection, guiding this whole process and giving me assurance that He was in this.  By the end of August Jadon began lessons with his teacher, Mrs. Warren, and he has done remarkably well.  Not that he’s the next Bach, but he really has shown great aptitude toward the piano.   When he came home from his first lesson after playing on her baby grand piano and played on our free piano, the first thing he said was, “Mom, this needs tuned”.   Today before we decorated our Christmas tree I asked if he would play his Christmas carols for us.  He did and even played the one with his eyes closed!   I have also seen some benefits with his focus/attention with other academic school work and I am so thankful that I choose to attend your workshop.  It’s obvious that God directed me there and has directed the path since then.   Psst! Our 14 y.o. son who had piano lessons when he was 5-7 has enjoyed sitting down and playing the songs in Jadon’s lesson books.  So, I’m praying again…waiting to see what God has in store.

Thank you, Esther for being willing to share your experience and passion for children and music training.  It really has made all the difference for not only my son, but many, many more children.   Thank you for your prayers and making me “your project”.  Blessings on your Music Academy as you plan for the future and whatever you might currently be involved with.

With deep thankfulness,

Melody Miller

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