Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Coda Mountain Music Academy, 2013

There are no words to describe Coda Academy 2013!  One of the amazing things to me was the rest, enjoyment and camaraderie amongst the students and staff in the midst of very hard work. The students seemed relaxed and safe, laughter ringing out everywhere, yet they were working their little tails off from 7:30   am until 9:30 pm each day. We began each morning and ended most days with optional devotions and every last one attended.

Out of forty-eight students, about thirty received partial or full scholarships thanks to the Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation, The Beckley Area Foundation, the County Commission and Senator Laird, BB&T as well as other private and civic donors.  

Forty-eight students came through the door on June 16; some surly and looking for mischief, some terrified, some confused about life, some shy, and everything in between.  In just a few days, forty-seven students, ages 9 to nineteen, and 15 faculty/staff knit together like a family and the overall culture of the camp was one of cooperation and mutual respect for where each one was in their journey.  The musical accomplishments were incredible, but as director, I have to marvel at this aspect first!  It made my job so much easier!  It wasn't long until kids were opening up spiritually both in devotional moments and in one-on-one discussions. We had some kids who didn't have a church background who were really searching.

Congressman Nick Rahall, County Commissioners and the media were amazed at the music pouring out of almost every room!  Sometimes there were over twenty rooms with private lessons, chamber coachings, private practice and bluegrass jams happening at the same time!  One county commissioner came for twenty minutes and stayed for 2 ½ hours. His response was, “This exceeds my wildest expectations.” 

Tommy Siner from WSAZ came out and filmed for several hours.  He is amazed at what is happening and has offered to create a mini-documentary that will air several times in West Virginia, and parts of Kentucky and Ohio.  The Charleston Daily mail ran an amazing article for us full of color pics and a great write-up.  It was 1 ¼ pages!  We are so grateful for this!  To God be the glory.

Coda bluegrass and classical ambassador groups did at least 9 run-out performances in churches, Summersville bluegrass festival, the unveiling of the wall of honor ceremony and at Smokey’s on the Gorge for Leadership West Virginia just to name a few.

In addition to the run-out gigs, Coda Academy and Coda Kidz provided 6 concerts and 2 master-classes which were open to the public within a two week span.  The final concerts of the Academy and the Kidz were packed out with standing room only (about 230 people).  We are considering a larger venue next year.  

I wish you could have experienced the quality daily workshops that the faculty prepared.  They dealt with everything from electronic looping to musical careers to how to protect your body while playing your instrument.  The piano improv class was a real hit as we had 8 digital pianos in one room learning and improvising praise and worship songs together.  They did so well! Too much fun!

Three companies did some amazing ‘in kind’ donations.  Harry Gillum at Showtime Music provided, transported and set up 8 large quality digital keyboards at NO cost to us.  Shane Lowther of CSA pianos provided and transported 6 real pianos including a brand new baby grand for only the cost of the truck and the driver. Class VI provided an incredible evening of recreation with Timber Trek, swimming and disc golf for only $29 per student.

The good news is that it seems that 100% of the faculty want to return next year with several more waiting in line to be hired (including two teachers interested in opening a percussion track).  All of the students said they had a wonderful experience and almost all left camp assuring us that they will be back.  Parents/students expressed interest in siblings and/or friends coming next year.  This is great news and evidence of the grace of God and the excellence of the team and their work.

Oh – and the food.  Jenny Robinson and her amazing crew wowed us each and every day with cuisine such as cappuccino pancakes, Indian curry, Mexican dishes, giant mixed green salads with blue berries, strawberries and scallions on top, etc.  And she did this for under $8 per person per DAY.  All homemade.  Am I fooling myself to think these kids come for the music….?!  A recent facebook post by one of student cellists:  “I'm gonna miss the Coda food. For the past two weeks I've been eating potato soup, quiche, cappuccino pancakes, chicken curry and chocolate mocha cake. This morning I sat down alone with a bowl of cheerios. It's just not the same.”  Community and parent volunteers sunk elbow deep in dish water, set up the food table and served us all with generosity and love.

The New River Gorge Gateway facility was loved by all.  After surveying the faculty and many students, the consensus is to stay in Fayetteville rather than pursuing a college campus.  Everyone loves the natural setting and the awesome community support that Fayetteville gives.  The huge drawback to this is that we have almost maxed out the facility’s capacity already.  I truly believe that we will have at least 80 – 100 students next year and none of us are keen on turning students away.

Soooo much more to tell, but this hopefully gives you a taste of our incredible experience at Coda Academy 2013.  There is much to tell about Coda Kidz day camp as well.  It was the best ever.

God’s grace and the dedication of the team and community were so evident and appreciated beyond words.  Thank you for your prayers.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! So glad you've had such a great year of 'rest' after quitting at the school! :-) This sounds awesome. Trusting that the seeds which were definitely planted will be watered, nurtured and grow into strong trees by living water!
