1) Mikah is home for the summer and is trusting to get a job to help pay for school next year. Nothing has opened up so keep praying! She has sold things on the internet and is doing some work for a lady and making a little bit of money.
2) Chet is home and looking for work.
3) Praise the Lord that we had the first baptismal in our pond last night. Joy McIntosh, 11 years old, testified that Jesus told her a few months ago that she was to be baptized. Both sets of grandparents were able to be there, and her father participated in the baptism. We could feel God's presence. It was a sweet time. We had some neighbors quietly watching from a distance.
4) Praise the Lord that Pastor Don has started a weekly Bible study with the son of Tom Ankney (the neighbor of the McIntoshes who was saved on his deathbed). This last week, Pete invited an unsaved employee and a believing neighbor to the study as well. Pete's wife may attend next week. Appreciate continued prayers for this.
5) We're rejoicing in the meaningful times of prayer we have had with the McIntosh family on Thursday nights.
6) Next week, Mikah, Grace and Hannah McIntosh will be doing a backyard Bible club at our home for an hour each evening. We're praying the children in our neighborhoods will attend and be moved by the Lord to give all to Him.
7) Next weekend, we will have a seminar in our homes on evangelizing. Trusting the Lord to use that for His glory.
Continuing to trust the Lord that we will not miss anything the Lord has for us.